Energy Work means working with the intangible aspects that affect our health – like our thoughts and emotions are energetic.
We can’t see them, but we know they exist and positively or negatively, they affect our physical health and overall well-being.
You can request a full session or add these into a regular Massage session

Reiki is a very specific form of energy healing to open up a sense of flow where stuckness resides in either the mind, body or emotions. The practitioner seeks to support the needs of the client by intentionally transmitting and balancing Universal Life Energy for the client.
The practitioner’s hands are either lightly on or a few inches away from each of the chakras (energy centers) of the body, allowing positive healing energy to engage where weak energy exists. This deeply grounding and deeply relaxing session will have you feeling calmer and lighter.
Reiki can be a beneficial for those going through high stress situations such as: overwhelm, grief, transition or releasing stress-related chronic pain.
Reiki is an excellent choice when an area cannot be massaged for any reason.

Sound Healing
By using sound, breath, and vibration, we can tune our mind and body and change the frequency causing us issues, release stress, and awaken the self-healing capacity of the body. As all information travels in waves, the waves of sound can heal areas of physical or emotional/mental pain. Each session uses quartz crystal singing bowls and/or tuning forks, based on the client’s individual needs.
This session can involve massage or can be fully sound healing with little to no massage.

Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy is a form of gentle massage designed to release tension throughout the body’s connective tissue. The treatment works by improving the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid and by relieving compression on the bones in the lower back, head, and spinal column
CST may help to alleviate headaches, migraines, neck pain, fibromyalgia, whiplash, anxiety, depression, mood disorders & insomnia.

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Therapeutic Massage | Breathwork, Private Yoga, & Wellness Coaching | Classes